School Story:
Well, there was the time late one night that myself and some cronies literally lifted a Volkswagon beetle onto the covered walkway and deposited it right smack at the door to the administration office building...and left it there...amid wavings of flashlights and hollerings by (guards?) whomever officials happened to be on the premises.
I seem to remember it was a very close call, but I made good my escape, just in the nick of time.
Just remembered a couple more details. It was "I", IN the car, so I must've been steering while it was rolling on it's way up the inclined sidewalk toward the admin front door by the rest of the crew,
The drama came when I tried to bail out, COULD'T FIND the door handle/release in the dark...unfamiliar car (who's WAS it anyway?, I'm right now wondering)...and omigosh, here they were, bearing down on us...the guys with the flashlights whooping and yelling, mentioned above.
Heart-stopping, adrenalin pumping panic!
(Good times!)