Faye 62 Lingscheit Huston

Profile Updated: April 28, 2021
Residing In: Centennial, CO USA
Spouse/Partner: William J Huston - deceased
Children: Toby, born 1965; Lachele, born 1967
Yes! Attending Reunion
School Story:

1962 TUHS graduate; BA Early Education, ASU June,1967;
MA Special Education, UNC, Dec 1985; MA Counseling Psychology & Counselor Education, University of Colorado, Aug, 1993

My favorite memory of TUHS was when we walked out for Rodeo Day demanding we be allowed the day off like other schools!!

What have you been doing since Since you Retired?

Since retiring I have traveled as much as possible - US mainly to visit family, several cruises with family-my favorite Australia's east coast.
Did a magnificent trip to Iceland with friends 3 years ago. My best and most memorable trip was a Road Scholar 10 day trip to Cuba. It was a trip of a lifetime to a most misunderstood beautiful country full of friendly, hard working people.

Also do volunteer work with a food bank & work at local hospital
1 day a week.

How many careers have you had in your adult life? Did you have a favorite or most rewarding?

All in Education - Middle School Counselor was my favorite.

What teachers stand out most from those Tempe High School days? Why?

Mr D - English teacher. He fostered individuality and self expression.

Faye's Latest Interactions

Apr 28, 2021 at 5:19 PM