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05/12/10 04:33 PM #1    

Danyel (Dan) Clark

Welcome to the Tempe High School Class Of 1961 forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

05/30/10 04:48 PM #2    

Paul Turner

It looks like Dan is trying to  get me to do another dumb speech. Ths time he does not have a book to  refer to to get data, ie fodder for the cattle, chads for the ballot,etc. Therefore I am going to make my own questionaire, and when it is done, circulate to the online members and  mail to others that are not online.


Please send your ideas to me, if you can, not the whole member list. Otherwise it won't be a surprise. My E-Mail Address is  Please do not send any attachments because:

1I don.t know how to open attachments

2. I don't want to learn how to open attachments

3. My firewall is so good that if you even try to send an attachment, your laptop will be sent into orbit on a collision course with the International Space Station.

An example of a good question might be:

In order to qualify for Social Security you are required to eat Jello once a week

My favorite flavor of Jello is:

a.Lime /Cherry

b. Orange Coconut

c. Curry and Salsa

d. Purina and Kalcan

e. Other_______________


You get the idea.



Paul (Daddie Cat) Turner

07/19/10 02:04 PM #3    

Bob Mahr

Paul "Daddie Cat",

From the response on the Message Forum It doesn't look like anybody has any ideas for you.  I think you are all   alone on this one.

Bob Mahr

07/22/10 07:14 AM #4    

Herb McLure

To Paul: Despite my experience deciphering indecipherable writing in Washington, I don't get what you want. I need clearer direction, or I'll conclude you are addled (my first detente conclusion for people our age). Cheers.

07/23/10 03:00 PM #5    


Chuck Holly

Gee Herb, I read Paul's writing assignment and started right in, but now I'm not so sure.  If you can't get it, why should I?  Heck, I even had to look up "detente" to see how you used it.  Age is truly a convenient tool when properly handled. 

11/27/10 05:10 PM #6    

Pete Wood

 Hey Herb, have you figured out what Paul Turner wants yet/  i've been waiting for you to shed some light, before I send him some _______________.


Pete Wood

09/29/11 08:01 AM #7    

Tom L. Wing

Reading the responses (a few) to Paul Turner's response to Dan Clark, I guess another bit of confusion won't hurt -- OR help! Isn't it interesting, that only guys (men) have posted comments. What's up? No women wish to comment, or respond! Our cycle of life must be back to the pre-adolescent times. Well, it may be no one wants to comment until we each have had a chance to SEE one another. Maybe then the "forum" will begin. 

10/12/11 02:43 PM #8    


Kay Johnson (Erickson)

I'll respond and be the first woman - do you really think we will recognize each other at this reunion?  I know I've changed a lot in the last 50 years!!  Not the same skinny kid I was back in 1961.  Add several pounds, a few wrinkles, but no gray hair yet!!!  LoL  It will be interesting to see how many class mates we can identify without reading name tags first.

See every one soon!!


Kay Johnson Erickson



10/19/11 11:58 AM #9    

Tom L. Wing

To Kay Johnson Erickson: Good point: whether we will recognize anyone at the reunion. Hopefully, someone has planned for that and we each will have NAME TAGS in LARGE PRINT. Even eyesight and hearing isn't what they once were. Nonetheless, it will all be enjoyable, I believe.

10/19/11 08:25 PM #10    


John Radcliffe

Hi kay & tom, notice the type face I selected. When someone calls me on the phone and sez "is this john radcliffe", i say " wait... let me ask somebody !!!"

Yes dan clark, large name tags that we wear on our forehead so no one gets caught lowering their eyes to sneak a peek.


10/24/11 09:29 PM #11    

Tom L. Wing

Looking back now, I want to thank and congradulate everyONE who participated in the 50th-Year class celebration. It was a grand time and great success. Each one who attended added to the enjoyment and spirit. Most of all, we owe lasting gratitude to those who were on the committe and gave freely of their time, energy, ideas, talents and, obviously, their resources. Hats off to all in the THS Class of 1961. Thanks, again.

10/26/11 06:52 PM #12    

Sandy Flowers

Gee, we had a good time!  Thanks to the committee and all volunteers!  Old friendships were rekindled, and we plan to get together soon.  Some of us are not waiting another 10 years!  Again, thanks!

11/28/11 11:42 AM #13    


John Radcliffe

Dan & reunion 'volunteers' ...thanks for facilitating such a great get together. I got so buzzed talking to old friends and making new ones. I'm glad we all went to school where we did and when we did.

12/14/12 02:50 PM #14    


Chuck Holly

Merry Christmas to all class of 1961 Buffs !!

It's been more than a year since that 50th reunion.  Our Tempe61 website is still "alive and well".

I hope more of us will add to our profiles.  I think it's fun learning more about each other, now that we are older and wiser.  Well, older. 

07/01/13 01:58 PM #15    

Alan Smith

Hello Class of '61--

Just dropping a note...after steadfastly resisting Social Networking since --circa its inception <;-)) --  I have otherwise now "updated my pictures" --and condescended to go Full Monty on same. The value of these channels is only immense, and I'd be foolish to stand on ceremony when I have so much more to share (b4...well, you know).

If you've a mind to take a little ride pls visit me here:

( )

and/or here...

( )

If nothing else, it keeps us off the streets.

Love'n'Cheers --Dion (Alan & Palladin) Smith


07/30/13 01:47 PM #16    

Danyel (Dan) Clark

Both Pete Wood and Chuck Holly advised of a new book by Tempe local author Sally Cole. The book, available in paperback is titled Alligators in the Baby Pool. The following information and order information can be found on Amazon Books. (Aligators in the Baby Pool )

It looks like a nice read for your time at the "Beach" or around the pool.

Publication Date: May 17, 2013

Tempe Beach was an Olympic-sized swimming pool, built in 1923 on the land between First Street and the river bottom in Tempe, Arizona. In the thirties two national swim meets were held there, attracting stars from the Olympic Games. Generations of Tempeans learned to swim there, came of age there, and often first met their spouses there or in the park where people picnicked, skated or played ball under the lights. It was a green, idyllic space for the Anglo settlers of old Tempe, but for its Mexican-American citizens the pool was off limits until 1946 when three hometown WWII veterans— Danny Rodriguez, Genero Martinez, and Raymond Terminal—won a bitter fight to integrate the pool. After that, Tempe Beach was a summer site for all. There were swim and dive teams, Beach-hosted AAU meets, and dibble-dabble games along the deep-end deck. There was a cobble-stone bath house, a snack bar, and a jukebox that played non-stop. In its forty-year existence there was one drowning, one shooting— and, yes, one morning there really were alligators in the baby pool.

Aligators in the Baby Pool

07/30/13 02:22 PM #17    


John Ellingson

Thank you Dan for your effort to keep us all connected.

Onward and Upward!

John Ellingson


12/17/13 09:09 AM #18    

Pete Wood

Merry Christmas everyone.  This year I decided I don't need to make any more resolutions since I don't work for Uncle Sam any more:)

Pete Wood


12/17/13 10:07 AM #19    


John Ellingson

Pete now that you've left the employ on the Fed, are things there going to get better or worse?

Merry Christmas to all and best wishes in the new year!

John E.

12/17/13 10:14 AM #20    


John Ellingson

Thank you Dan for your personal time and effort to keep us all connected via a traffic and easy to use web site.

Again, remind us how we can support the cause.  Thanks again.

John E.

02/19/15 10:52 AM #21    

Ralph Bell

Thanks Dave

I delivered the Tempe Daily News to Carr Mortuary and remember most vividly collecting from the "Carr brothers" and the anxiousness I felt when walking into the office... luckily I never stumbled onto any of their deceased customers... I'm not sure if I met Patty Carr, but I will happily read her "Secrets from the Pink Chair." 


04/01/15 06:27 PM #22    


John Radcliffe

Guest Book page for Mr. Knoche :


04/01/15 06:31 PM #23    


John Radcliffe


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